Artiste Edwin Siu (蕭正楠), Kristal Tin (田蕊妮), Grace Chan (陳凱琳), Hugo Ng (吳岱融) were promoting Brother's Keeper II (巨輪II) series at Yau Tong and Edwin and Hugo played gun games together with Grace. Edwin expressed Grace was taken away by Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) long ago: "Nobody can steal her away from him." Grace rebutted: "You do not use the full power as you already have Priscilla Wong (黃翠如)." As for Hugo Ng, some audiences called his role character, Ko Tin Tsau (高天鷲) and he looked very impressive.

When mentioned about Grace was reminded of Hugo trying to rape her in the series, Hugo said: "Grace says I am very scary." Grace said: "He brought me up since small and it is very scary until this stage." Hugo revealed some amusing incident when filming that scene: "I need to wear a waist band as need to press her on the bed but do not expect she is very light. (Netizens commented no fleshy scene?) Cannot as will be scolded." He added his wife and son watched the 'rape' scene and praised his professionalism. When asked if his son felt he was too scheming, Hugo said: "Not telling you about my domestic affair." Mentioning about him scolding Ali Lee (李佳芯) as 'smelly whore (臭雞)' in the series, Hugo did think of not using such strong words: "But it will not reflect that incident and we need to think about the limit."

Mentioning about Kevin expressed he watched the 'rape' scene during an interview a few days ago and her future 'mother in-law' felt it was too fast for her to act such scene, Grace said: "She looked at me with worry when having dinner together and felt it was too fast for me to act this scene but I looked at Kevin for help immediately. He then said it was a good opportunity."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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