Mainland China artiste, Zanilia Zhao (趙麗穎) was invited to China reality show, The Jinxing (金星秀) Show as guest a few days ago and when asked about the criteria as her boyfriend, she replied he must be at least 1.8m tall and disliked dating someone from showbiz. Mentioning about her career in showbiz, Zanilia gave herself 8 marks and the remaining 2 marks was room for improvement. She disclosed she tried for audition for Xiaoyanzi (小燕子) role in My Fair Princess (還珠格格) before: "My first series is Golden Marriage (金婚) and I film with Zhang Guoli and Jiang Wenli. I then film My Fair Princess series after some time and get to act as Qing Er (晴兒) role. I try to act as Xiaoyanzi as well but fail to remember the dialogue due to my age and introvert character. The director gives me a chance to act as Ziwei (紫薇) role but I cannot cry and give up eventually."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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