Moon Lau (劉佩玥) attended an event at Sunny Bay and when asked if she asked her rumoured boyfriend, Philip Ng (伍允龍) to teach her martial arts, she said: "I'm okay if he is willing to teach and he has good foundation." Mentioning about Philip acted as Bruce Lee (李小龍) in Birth of the Dragon (龍之誕生) film which was airing in Toronto, Moon replied she will definitely show her support if airing in Hong Kong. When asked if Philip resembled Bruce Lee, Moon said: "I have not watch the movie yet but his actions resembled Bruce to some extent when watching the preview."

Asking if she encountered any spooky incident as filming Demon-Conquering Taxi (降魔的) series currently, Moon said: "Nope. Filming is difficult especially night scenes. I do not wish to think about it and do not want to experience it as well." She added she felt relieved with other cast team members beside her.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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