Artiste Jazz Lam (林子善) and his girlfriend, Kary have been dating together for many years and will be getting married in 2018. As he establishes good rapports with Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎), Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Natalie Tong (唐詩詠), Stephen Wong (黃嘉樂) and others when filming A Fistful of Stances (鐵馬尋橋) series, they are considered good friends and will have gatherings at times.

Kenneth accepted an interview from ON.CC (東網) and said: "We are taking action and helping him as his "brother". It is most simple and I will definitely help as we are good "brothers". (He is taking the lead now.) It is not a competition."

When asked if Stephen gave anything to Jazz Lam during an interview with ON.CC (東網), Stephen said: "He will tell us and I do not need to think about it. Congratulations to him and we agree to act as his "brothers"!"

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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