Actress Mandy Wong (黃智雯) wore a white top revealing her waist to promote Law dis-Order (律政強人) series at Yau Tong and the campaign appeared to lose the attraction due to the absence of two male leads, Alex Fong (方中信) and Liu Kai Chi (廖啟智). When mentioned about Raymond Cho (曹永廉) remarked the group of actresses were dressed conservatively, Mandy said: "The series sells professionalism and character." She added she understood Alex and Kai Chi were busy and could not attend the campaign.

Mentioning about several scenes with Kai Chi in the series, Mandy replied it enhanced her knowledge: "He gives me opinion and tells me to monitor my vocal and nobody teaches me it at all. (Treat him to thanks him?) Yes, it does not matter who treats it."

When mentioned about the sisters scenes with Kelly Cheung (張曦雯) and Ali Lee (李佳芯) in the series, Mandy responded the most unforgettable scenes was talking about their troubled matters while drinking: "Really feels high and my face becomes red after one glass of red wine. We keep smiling too." She added Alex saw her and asked about the reason behind her red face.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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