Actress Moon Lau (劉佩玥) participated in live broadcast of Yan Oi Tong 2016 (善心滿載仁愛堂) at Tseung Kwan O TVB City and when mentioned about her rumoured boyfriend, Philip Ng (伍允龍) admitted to having relationship with Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) before during a show, she said: "One is married and another graciously admits to it. It is quite brave of him. (Additional marks?) He is okay."

Asking if he admitted to it too late, Moon believed Philip and Linda had established consensus: "Everyone has different choices and some prefer high or low profile. (You choose underground relationship with him?) Nope. We are friends all along." Moon added Philip returned to Hong Kong from Hollywood not long ago and she will support his new movie.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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