TV Queen, Nancy Wu (胡定欣) attended a public event and when mentioned about Kristal Tin's (田蕊妮) acting skills in Brother's Keeper II (巨輪II) series received good reviews and she might stood a high chance to become TV Queen this year, Nancy replied she watched the series and Kristal was already a TV Queen: "Every artiste must give his/her best efforts and the audiences have high expectations. Her outstanding performance is considered happy news to the audiences. (Any pressure?) Nope. Kristal is a professional and outstanding actress. Doing your part well so as to achieve the best results."

Nancy will be filming The Alliance (同謀) series and expressed her two months vacation were ending soon, and was currently practising martial arts daily. Due to her busy work schedule, Nancy rejected to meet up for dinner with her friends.

Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) disclosed his wife and he travelled to the US to visit their son for 3 weeks earlier: "Buy a sports car for him. (Let him know girls?) It depends on his ability and I do not mind. He is a sentimental person and I am not worried at all."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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