Artiste Yoyo Mung (蒙嘉慧), Wong He (王喜), director, Adam Wong (黃修平) and others participated in directors exchange meeting session. Apparently, Yoyo gained substantial weight during an event in May but lost some weight on 14 September. When asked if she tried to keep fit by exercising, Yoyo said: "Trying hard to buy many black tops and exercising but not enough though." She added she needed to wear jacket to hide her fats during summer.

Yoyo disclosed she will be filming an artistic film and acting as a dance instructor later and could take the chance to keep fit: "Will be attending basic dance lessons and practising for 3 hours daily. I must slim down. (Any dancing background?) Nope. The dance instructor has confidence to teach me although I am more than 40 years old now. (Your husband, Ekin Cheng (鄭伊健) feels you are too skinny in the past?) Nope. He will say I am fat when at home." She added they had insufficient to play badminton together.

Yoyo filmed a 30 seconds video clip about Hong Kong as director this time and revealed it was difficult due to many themes about Hong Kong. She eventually chose food and environment as the themes: "I love to eat egg waffle and shoot an uncle making it in Tai O. I get to eat liquid nitrogen ice-cream there too and it is very interesting. (Seek any advice from Ekin?) Nope, as filming should be based on objective views. I share it with him and he supports me. He helps me to ask Chan Kwong Wing (陳光榮) to compose music and I am full of gratitude towards him."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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