Actress Moon Lau (劉佩玥) attended a Halloween event and expressed she will not travel to US to celebrate birthday with her rumoured boyfriend, Philip Ng (伍允龍) due to filming new series: "Texting him will do. (It is your first time to celebrate it together?) Nope. We cut birthday cake together when filming A Fist Within Four Walls (城寨) series last year. (Keep in contact?) Through WhatsApp. We are happy but need to see when he is free."

Mentioning about Philip's new film won good reviews overseas, Moon said sweetly: "I always believe being an action actor is very difficult as one needs to act and fight at the same time. This time, it is more harder to act as Bruce Lee (李小龍) and fortunately, the results is not bad."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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